matthew 25 sunday

‘…Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ (Matthew 25:40 NASB). This Scripture underscores our Christian responsibility to those in our midst who are need, those imprisoned, or have suffered loss.

At St. Michael and All Angels, the third Sunday of every month is designated “Matthew 25 Sunday” or “A Dollar for Matthew.” On this Sunday a special offering is collected toward sustaining the Rector’s Discretionary Fund, from which members of the congregation or persons from the community, could receive assistance. Such need may be a death in the family or some difficulties in meeting financial demands. Members and visitors in the congregation on A Dollar for Matthew Sunday are encouraged to give at least a dollar towards this fund. More often than not, the offerings in the specially designated yellow envelopes and collected in baskets laced with yellow ribbon, far exceed the suggested dollar.