Visitors and Newcomers

All are welcome at SMAA! You do not have to be a member to participate in worship services, formation, activities, or outreach work. Please fill out our Connection Card so we can get to know you better. Once you get to know us, we hope you’ll consider becoming a member of our SMAA family!

Becoming a Member of Saint Michael

If you are interested in becoming a member of Saint Michael, then please begin the process by filling out this membership form.

Membership usually falls into one of the following categories:

Confirmed Communicants: Baptized persons who have made a mature affirmation of faith – either confirmation or reception – in the Episcopal Church, whose names are enrolled by confirmation, reception, or letter of transfer from another Episcopal Church; or

Baptized Members: All baptized persons, of any age (including children), whose names are enrolled either by baptism, letter of transfer, or personal request. Adults can have their names enrolled as Baptized Members, but still not be Confirmed Communicants.

Which type of membership should you, as a new member, choose? The choice is a highly personal one. Adults may join as baptized members and consider confirmation at a later date or join as confirmed members right away. Both baptized and confirmed members make annual pledges to support the ministry of the church.

For more information we invite you to contact Rev. R. Winston Arthur at (770) 469-8551.